# 73
Positive Report addresses proactive youth in Jefferson County, Missouri
This blog joined CADCA (Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America) in 2016 and receives their monthly publication. In February 2017, the very positive article (below) was featured and it provides the success and proactive measures taken by a Missouri County.
The coalition, Jefferson County Drug Prevention Coalition, represents a County for which more than one fourth of its population is below the age of 18. One of their proactive actions has been the distribution of flyers and counter-mats which encourage people to dispose of unused/unwanted medications and maps for disposal units are furnished.
Out of the 15 pharmacies who responded, most affirmed that the maps are prominently displayed at their counters:
Six print and distribute flyers
Most confirmed that this effort is very useful
Interestingly, 93 percent affirmed that the counter mats have created conversations among customers and staff
10 out of 15 affirmed that they would be interested in hosting Prescription Drug Take-Backs
“Results are exceptional, with 3000 pounds of medications collected in 2016,”