Wednesday, October 25, 2017

# 134

Great article on the chemistry as well as the law enforcement considerations regarding Fentanyl.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

# 133

Two twenty-something mothers meet while pregnant, in rehab.  The women are released, have their babies and OD in Boynton Beach, Florida with two neglected babies in car seats inside minivan.  EMTs administer Narcan, mothers charged with child neglect....children removed to the custody of responsible state.

Friday, October 6, 2017

# 132

California mom breaks law to save lives; mails Narcan (a prescribed antidote for opioids) to Substance Use Disorder persons around the US.

The below article credits Tracey Helton with 268 instances of overdose reversal.  Three who were interviewed indicate that they now have stopped using.