# 145
Toxicology Report for Prince's death reveals exceedingly high levels of fentanyl in blood, liver and stomach. Report reminds readers that persons can build-up tolerance levels through gradually increased doses, however, the volume found in Prince is excessive-and lethal-even by tolerance standards.
This blog was primarily triggered by the events following retirement 3/31/16, the death of my brother in 1999 from a substance other than fentanyl, and from the death of Prince.
As two years have passed, one clear declaration has emerged for all readers:
While opioids are marketed as "pain killers" to a society seeking to deaden real and, perhaps, imagined "pain," everyone should be mindful that opioids are Central Nervous System (CNS) Depressants. As we found with Prince and more than 26,000 deaths nationally in 2017, opioids are also respiration arrestors- because, in sufficient levels, they direct the respiration center of the brain to slow and cease respiration.