Friday, December 13, 2019

# 163

Virginia Medical Examiner reports record opioid overdose deaths for 2019; up 4% as of October 28, 2019

Thursday, December 12, 2019

# 162

46 year-old drug dealer knowingly sells fentanyl to 16 year-old (sold as heroin) and youth dies.

The hyperlink WTOP story announces the conviction - for manslaughter - in Anne Arundel County, Md. On 12/12/19.

Police determined that text messages proved that the dealer knew that his customer was a minor.

(Ed., Enhanced penalties for such prove able deaths, in Virginia, passed in the legislature -however- such confinement extending sentence legislation now is submitted to the "finance committee" where it has resided for 3+ taxpayers have to pay for such mandatory sentences.)