Friday, June 11, 2021

# 170 Imagine: A Fentanyl Vaccine; Perhaps the COVID Vaccine has inspired an unforeseen remedy for the Fentanyl-death epidemic.

 Two reports suggest that those seeking the lethal lows of the synthetic opioid, Fentanyl, may have their lives saved...positively at the cost of ending the “low experience” they hope to receive (which the drug -chasers call a “high”).

The above NIH post indicates that experiments using, mice and rats, have already produced a Fentanyl antagonist which produces a chemical binding agent resulting in a reduced delivery of Fentanyl (to the  brain).  This, “blocking” action produced by the vaccine, prevents descent into a respiratory arrest which would normally require Narcan (Naloxone) dose(s), quickly, to prevent/reverse death.

Effectively, by delivering Heptin intermuscularly, into mice/rats, the usual lethal dose of Fentanyl has had the outcome of blocking a sufficient volume of the dose delivered to the animal’s brain so that an interval of time is created for the user.  This delayed-death, if success is found in humans, would avail responders more time to reverse the actions of Fentanyl with Naloxone.

The NIH abstract notes how repeated administrations of Naloxone produces harmful side effects and suggests that the potentially successful vaccine would reduce the volume and frequency of antidote administration (along with its side effects) while greatly reducing the high annual averages of Fentanyl deaths.

The experiments included evidence of a vaccine which prevented delivery to the brain of 100% of injected lethal doses to laboratory rats.

In the “discussion” section, no forecasting of human counter actions were discussed. For example, “substance use disorder” persons seeking dose levels that normally provide their desired outcome, may respond by upping their dosage.