# 174
A scientific, truthful and prayerful dialog regarding the abuse of all substances; licit and illicit. Join in.
# 177
Incidental contact with Fentanyl; harmless or not.
The potential for microscopic particles of Fentanyl to enter a human body or a K-9’s specialized olfactory passages & quickly go to the dog’s brain is still being disputed by Forensic Pathologists and Forensic Toxicologists.
For humans, specifically Law Enforcement personnel, who may touch or inhale those small particles of Fentanyl, evidence is building that Central Nervous System Depressants (opioids) have entered the brains of Police Officers and police dogs and produced the rapid reduction of respiration and heart rate. They become as dead. They continue to be revived by Narcan. Sometimes only after two or three doses.
EMTs, Hospital Medical Personnel, Sheriffs, Police Chiefs and fellow officers are all lined up to describe the initial collapse of the Police & Police K-9s and they are contested by medical personnel who differ. Some even say that they routinely touch Fentanyl with their ungloved hands and suffer no consequences.
So, I am submitting the latest video of a Florida Police Woman who passed-out after touching a rolled-up dollar bill containing a white powder and quickly collapsed. The efforts to ultimately revive her was successful after she received 3 narcan nasal spray antidotes.
Being fair, I submit the other side:
This article discounts accidental inhalation as being a serious threat.