Fatal Decisions in Substance Abuse
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Wednesday, February 14, 2024
Tuesday, February 6, 2024
# 186. Tolerance in one subject can let him survive when the same dosage kills his 3 friends
# 186
Painful Questions Deserve Truthful, Scientific Answers
Tolerance to a substance can permit one of four friends to survive a drug cocktail when he, and his three buddies self-administer identical amounts.
If the reader will research earlier postings, they will read how a 90lb. grandmother, dealing with the pain caused by stage 4 cancer can receive prescribed Fentanyl patches for both shoulder blades and, possibly an additional fentanyl lollipop. Over time, her physician may increase the dosage as grandmom develops tolerance. Her grandson Johnny’s friends learn about her Fentanyl patches. They probably weigh more than 120 lbs each. They steal one of her patches, roll it and smoke it, then they die.
How is that possible ?
The boys have never built-up a tolerance; the grandmother has.
Reading other posts, one finds that the volume/weight of Fentanyl consumed by 200+ George Floyd was a lethal dose for men his weight. Hence, it is possible for a frequent user of a lethal substance to take the identical amount of a substance taken by him and three friends and the one who built-up a tolerance could live but the others expire.