# 185
THC induced psychosis accepted as defense leading to probation for murder in California in which user stabbed boyfriend more than 100 times.
In Post # 179 “Widmark meets THC”, the reader was informed of the in depth research conducted by Widmark in the 20th Century that enables modern chemical BAC machines as well as Serologists to determine a level of alcohol in a person’s blood in an accurate way. The quantitative analysis is tilted in favor of the defendant and it compensates for an awareness of endogenous alcohol which exists in the blood of all persons - even without consumption.
21st society law enforcement is mandated to enforce DWI laws established by their legislatures in terms of Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) percentages. These laws are linked to the results of the daunting research performed by Widmark on the Central Nervous System (CNS) depressant - alcohol.
Caveat : To date, Julian’s “Primer on Drug Action”, latest edition, three illicit substances have never been found to contain a known, lethal dosage, and not even an LD50 (a determined level of a substance that proves fatal to 50% of a laboratory population of rats or other mammals). This blog has consistently cited LSD, THC and Nitrous Oxide as three substances having no known lethal dosage. Alcohol, opioids, synthetic opioids, CNS stimulants like caffeine, nicotine, cocaine all have known LD50 levels.
Comes before us now is a successful criminal defense of a THC user who stabbed her boyfriend more than 100 times, twice penetrating his heart, and her toxicology report indicates only one substance : THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). Yet, the best the media can give us is anecdotes. It provides no data from Chemistry in the form of Qualitative or Quantitative analysis as determined by Toxicologists.
The anecdotes I reference are these :
Today’s Pot is not the Pot your grandfather used in the Summer of Love, 1967.
Today’s THC is far more potent than ever before.
This is Journalism, but where is the science?
Why does this matter?
In Colorado, for the first two years in which possession of Marijuana was legalized, the chemical analysis of substances found in the blood of motor vehicle operators continued. Surprisingly, 33% of such operator fatalities showed zero alcohol levels, instead THC was found. But the Scientists did/do not have the benefit of anyone ever studied THC as Widmark studied alcohol.
Conclusion: America has legalized the use and possession of a substance that has no known lethal dosage level.
The legislatures and Judges do not have the benefit of using scientific analysis of various weed and no scientific analysis of various weed, by volume, on the human brain; male or female. Additionally, in Virginia, the legislature’s DWI law specifies “drive or operate a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or other self-administered intoxicant,” this allows the courts to hold a user liable if they took certain cold medicine before driving. Any effort to perform the Widmark-like analysis of THC and its effects on men and women, followed by criminal laws & sentencing, should contain the language “self-administered.”