Wednesday, August 21, 2024

How low our society has stooped, man dies after Montgomery County 1st Grade teacher walks off job & sells fatal Fentanyl

 # 191

Side-job hustle by 1st Grade Teacher costs man his life. Taxpayers should be asking, “Where are the standards and supervision of Elementary Teachers.”

Saturday, July 6, 2024

                                                                  # 190 

Someone’s Judgment, in qualifying/hiring this subject may provide grounds for a lawsuit by each victim under an HR doctrine known as Negligent Hire and/or Negligent Retention.

I am not going to search my Posts to find where I have written that I believe the AMA declared Alcoholism as a “disease” so insurers would pay for “treatment”…but that Physicians mostly walked away from treating this “disease.”  Additionally, they landed upon a cadre of recovering persons who obtained Masters Degrees who are the ones that recovering candidates interface with for treating their “disease.”  Cynical? If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, you see a Doctor and skilled nurses for dialysis.

The deaths and injuries should spark a thorough review for onboarding non-medical personnel who Counsel persons having diseases defined by the AMA in the 1950s.

Physicians; if you truly believe it is a disease, then treat it without using non-medical middle-men/women. 

AMA, if you had two reasons for declaring it a disease:

1.To bring societal pressure on insurers to pay for the treatment.

2. To remove a societal stigma of the “alcoholic-as-weak-willed”

Then please roll-up-your-sleeves and start Physician treatment.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

 # 189

Another young person's death because basic precautions re not being taken, parents may no longer be training their children in those basic precautions.

Sadly, in the below article, the following precautions I was taught as a child in the '50's/'60s  were either not taught or not followed.

1.  All controlled substances can only be obtained by presentation of a Physicians prescription issued to a Pharmacist.

2.  Prescribed controlled substances are dispensed to persons presenting identification by a Licensed Pharmacist, Hospital or Doctor's office.

3. All other paths are high risk and may cost you your life.

This blog has continuously emphasized that we do not purchase substances from strangers...on line or on the street.  We do not injest substances that originate from "some dude on a street corner."

The second article brings to light a phenomenon that occurred in the 1970's and appears to be having a resurgence.

My high school football coach said this prayer before each game during the 1960's

Men, in life, there are three choices that are yours - and yours alone - :

1. You can select your faith

2. You can select your friends

3. You can decide what you put into your body

Now let's go out there and win this game.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

British Columbia rolling back portions of decriminalization of hard drugs

 # 188

Illicit drug use is once again illegal in public spaces, after Ottawa granted B.C.’s request to walk back parts of its decriminalization experiment.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

# 187

Thailand Government Reversing Decision to Legalize Marijuana/THC

We have written in earlier Posts how Colorado tracked fatal motor vehicle operator deaths for the first two years after Marijuana/THC was legalized.  During those first two years, THC displayed 33% of the driver-fatality “pie”…in the absence of alcohol.

In a recent Post, we shared a report of a young woman stabbing her boyfriend to death - more than 100 times and was successful in her defense claiming THC-induced psychosis…which resulted in a sentence of Probation.

Today, from the land of the Golden Triangle -Thailand - we read that the Government is reversing its 2019 legalizing Marijuana/THC.  The reason they are giving is that psychosis and other consequences have surfaced since 2019.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

# 186. Tolerance in one subject can let him survive when the same dosage kills his 3 friends


                                                                        # 186

Painful Questions Deserve Truthful, Scientific Answers

Tolerance to a substance can permit one of four friends to survive a drug cocktail when he, and his three buddies self-administer identical amounts.

If the reader will research earlier postings, they will read how a 90lb. grandmother, dealing with the pain caused by stage 4 cancer can receive prescribed Fentanyl patches for both shoulder blades and, possibly an additional fentanyl lollipop.  Over time, her physician may increase the dosage as grandmom develops tolerance.  Her grandson Johnny’s friends learn about her Fentanyl patches.  They probably weigh more than 120 lbs each. They steal one of her patches, roll it and smoke it, then they die.

How is that possible ?

The boys have never built-up a tolerance; the grandmother has.

Reading other posts, one finds that the volume/weight of Fentanyl consumed by 200+ George Floyd was a lethal dose for men his weight. Hence, it is possible for a frequent user of a lethal substance to take the identical amount of a substance taken by him and three friends and the one who built-up a tolerance could live but the others expire.

Friday, January 26, 2024

 # 185

THC induced psychosis accepted as defense leading to probation for murder in California in which user stabbed boyfriend more than 100 times.

In Post # 179 “Widmark meets THC”, the reader was informed of the in depth research conducted by Widmark in the 20th Century that enables modern chemical BAC machines as well as Serologists to determine a level of alcohol in a person’s blood in an accurate way.  The quantitative analysis is tilted in favor of the defendant and it compensates for an awareness of endogenous alcohol which exists in the blood of all persons - even without consumption.

21st society law enforcement is mandated to enforce DWI laws established by their legislatures in terms of Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) percentages.  These laws are linked to the results of the daunting research performed by Widmark on the Central Nervous System (CNS) depressant - alcohol.

Caveat : To date, Julian’s “Primer on Drug Action”, latest edition, three illicit substances have never been found to contain a known, lethal dosage, and not even an LD50 (a determined level of a substance that proves fatal to 50% of a laboratory population of rats or other mammals).  This blog has consistently cited LSD, THC and Nitrous Oxide as three substances having no known lethal dosage.  Alcohol, opioids, synthetic opioids, CNS stimulants like caffeine, nicotine, cocaine all have known LD50 levels.

Comes before us now is a successful criminal defense of a THC user who stabbed her boyfriend more than 100 times, twice penetrating his heart, and her toxicology report indicates only one substance : THC   (tetrahydrocannabinol).  Yet, the best the media can give us is anecdotes.  It provides no data from Chemistry in the form of Qualitative or Quantitative analysis as determined by Toxicologists.

The anecdotes I reference are these :

Today’s Pot is not the Pot your grandfather used in the Summer of Love, 1967.

Today’s THC is far more potent than ever before.

This is Journalism, but where is the science?

Why does this matter?

In Colorado, for the first two years in which possession of Marijuana was legalized, the chemical analysis of substances found in the blood of motor vehicle operators continued. Surprisingly, 33% of such operator fatalities showed zero alcohol levels, instead THC was found.  But the Scientists did/do not have the benefit of anyone ever studied THC as Widmark studied alcohol.

Conclusion: America has legalized the use and possession of a substance that has no known lethal dosage level.

The legislatures and Judges do not have the benefit of using scientific analysis of various weed and no scientific analysis of various weed, by volume, on the human brain; male or female. Additionally, in Virginia, the legislature’s DWI law specifies “drive or operate a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or other self-administered intoxicant,” this allows the courts to hold a user liable if they took certain cold medicine before driving.  Any effort to perform the Widmark-like analysis of THC and its effects on men and women, followed by criminal laws & sentencing, should contain the language “self-administered.”