# 24
Two adults who self-administered Heroin and had a child in the car are photographed by Ohio Police in an effort to illustrate what they term "an epidemic."
This post will serve as a basic reminder of drug abuse terminology.
High....a Central Nervous System Stimulant produces increased respiration and heart rate (examples: Cocaine, Caffeine, Nicotine, Methamphetamine, Hallucinogens)
Low.....a Central Nervous System Depressant produces slowed respiration and heart rate (examples: Heroin, Morphine, Opium, synthetic opioids like Fentanyl and Carfentanil) which can take the self-administering abuser from a state of awake alertness to sleep, coma and death as it depresses the brain's respiration control center.
CNS stimulants and depressants may also produce analgesic, or pain blocking effects, but the ones that take their abusers up can blow out their hearts and the ones which take the abusers down can act like elevators which descend to the lowest floor which is death.

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