Wednesday, November 23, 2016

# 51

Washington Post reports that DEA raided two homes in Utah and seized large sums of cash, a pill press and evidence that an individual in custody ordered powdered Fentanyl from China and pressed the fatal substance into pills which were labelled Oxycodone; then shipped falsely labelled pills to purchasers around the US.

A U.S. Manufacturer/Distributor is facing Federal charges in what may involve fatalities resulting from his efforts.

Great work, DEA!!


At December 9, 2016 at 4:15 AM , Blogger Diana Lin said...

Interesting that the supply came from China. It's so hard to trace the shipments back through Chinese customs, to penetrate through to the actual source. At least, I know it is with counterfeit items. I wonder if the US LEOs are more successful with controlled substances given China's historical sensitivities about illegal drugs.

At December 9, 2016 at 4:45 AM , Blogger dryjordan said...

The tracing you mention has been found to pass through Mexico and legal venue is established where the overdose death occurs, where the substance changes hands, etc., usually in the US. As to China's historical sensitivities; in the old order of things, heroin was produced in the Golden Triangle and usually found its way to Hong Kong before distribution around the world. Now, chemists can produce synthetics - which are frequently fatal - at lower cost and lower risk. Of course some would say that none of this would happen if there was not a demand in the US; yes, they say it is supply-side economics and the producer should not be blamed...instead, blame those demanding the substance.


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