Thursday, March 2, 2017

# 80

Maryland's Governor declares state of emergency for Heroin/Fentanyl/Opioids; seeks $50M reports that, in first 9 months of 2016, OD Deaths from opioids were up 62%.

In the below article, Gov. Hogan indicates that increased funding would be dedicated to enforcement, education and recovery efforts.

In what has increasingly been emerging, critics and advocates all believe that their prioritized cause deserves the greatest slice of the pie.  One critic of Hogan's request states that education, prevention and enforcement do not need to receive the funding.  Instead, costly long-term rehab is where funding is needed, according to Del. Dan K. Morhaim.

[Ed. note, all life is valuable and none is disposable.  Given that an axiom of this blog is that, except for babies that were born with addictions, every person enjoys a "Day Before Addiction" status; educating and preventing addiction in this target group will result in beneficial adult choices which do not lead to addiction and will never require rehabilitation.  Economically and socially, this group has the potential to be less costly and promote a better society with lower affiliated criminality.]

The competition for resources will continue to be a major aspect for this blog to review and address.


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