Friday, May 5, 2017

# 106

Georgia Bureau of Investigation raids "pill factory" and sounds warning on new Opioid : Furanylfentanyl.  10 kilos of pills and powder falsely labelled as Oxycodone.  Potency so great that Georgia Legislature immediately adds to prohibited substances law.

In the below article, reporters demonstrate how mere skin contact can result in death by way of transdermal absorption.  Authorities have linked 11 deaths in 2017 to the newly reported substance.

DEA had this substance added to its list of Schedule I substances on September 27, 2016 and it is banned in Sweden.  The substance is known as an analog of Fentanyl (about five times less potent than Fentanyl) and has been linked to OD deaths in Chicago (2016) and Estonia in the early 2000s.


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