Wednesday, June 28, 2017

# 117

This blog commenced with a prayer, given by a High School Football Coach, before every game:

Men, in life there are three choices that are yours alone to make:

  • You can choose your friends
  • You can Choose your faith
  • You can decide what you put into your bodies

Based upon this premise, the Blog has noted that - with the exception of children born into opioid dependency - everyone experiences "a day before addiction" in which they have free and unfettered choices they can make before subjecting their bodies to things which are lethal; or harmful.

The exceptions to the "choice" or "friends" prayer my Coach prayed are babies.

In the below article, we find a West Virginia Grandmother whose daughter's made bad adult decisions which brought them and their babies into opioid addiction and the article discusses the fourth grandchild that has been placed with grand mom.


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