# 129
Today's Common Narrative regarding Natural and Synthetic Opioids: It's the Doctor's Fault!
We need the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
You have heard the politicians as they announce how many millions they have authorized for the purchase of Narcan; every opioid addict is blameless. They previously had a sports injury and a Physician issued a prescription for an opioid pain killer that led to addiction. Following the predictable addiction, the addict is free from all "blame" and parents, friends, family members and politicians all pile-on the Physicians who originally issued the opioid.
For a society which increasingly seeks to divert blame from all self-administering adults, Physicians become an easy scapegoat, under this narrative.
Yes, we know that opioids are a Central Nervous System (CNS) Depressant, producing "lows," not "highs," the reporters, users, abusers and politicians continue to use a CNS Stimulant descriptor in describing the effects of CNS Depressants. Why let science get in the way of a narrative which makes family & friends and politicians...happy? Placated? Drugged? Remaining in Denial?
For starters, a baby born to an addicted mother lies outside the popular narrative. No sports injury for new born babies; clearly, thousands of babies are born each year addicted to the substances their self-administering mothers shared with them.
Let's widen the circle to adult cancer patients bearing with extreme pain who receive legitimate prescriptions of opioid pain killing drugs and patches - who have those substances stolen by grandchildren or their friends (reported in this blog and in obituaries honest parents are posting in recent years). In all of these reported cases, no mention is made of the thief's earlier sports injuries.
Finally, proof that nearly 100% of opioid addiction does not stem from sports-injury-related-opioid prescriptions can be found in the volume of DEA reported cases of non-pharmaceutical opioids, manufactured in China or Mexico, which are marketed by Drug Dealers - not crossing the counter at a drug store under FDA/DEA supervision.
It's the Doctor's Fault is an old and weak narrative which is in decline while increasingly referenced by politicians.
Thinking adults can read the literature and reach their own, more accurate, narrative. It is a sad narrative which this blog site hopes to accurately chronicle.