Monday, August 28, 2017

# 130

Woman clears security and boards airplane.  While in flight, she stays too long in bathroom, returns to seat and shows signs of death.  Staff summon Doctor and a Doctor is found and CPR is performed until the plane lands.  During CPR, a syringe is found hidden in the woman's bra.

In the below television report, a Doctor is commended and an airline is examined for not anticipating in-flight Opioid ODs and maintaining the OD antidote, Narcan.  Almost as an afterthought, questions regarding how a hidden needle could be brought on board.

This post asks questions not asked by the news reporting: at what cost to all of the law-abiding passengers and airline will the self-centered actions of a single adult passenger continue to be tolerated while classifying the passenger as having a disease/disorder?


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