Monday, July 31, 2017

# 125

Even a Church Parking lot in a Wealthy County in Virginia is not
immune from white, powdery, substances.

My wife and I arrived at Church Sunday morning (July 30, 2017) to make coffee and snacks.  As we crossed the parking lot, I spotted the blue bag and it contained a dose or two of a white powder.

If you've followed this blog, you know that I was not about to touch this bag- for fear that it may contain a potent opioid.  But I had concerns for others, especially the young children who will be arriving Monday morning for Nursery school.  So I kicked the baggy to the edge of a parking bumper and returned later in the day to find it where I had left it.

I took a photo and drove to the nearby Police Station.  I arranged for a police officer to return and collect the baggy.  He used surgical gloves as he handled the baggy.

He informed me that it will not be tested because there are no suspects, instead, it will be destroyed.

The police reported that they will note that the substance may have been left there late at night by people not affiliated with the Church, but who use our parking lot.

I informed our Pastor and others on the Security Committee.


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