Tuesday, July 11, 2017

# 120

Prior news reports cast Grandparents as victims of opioid epidemic because they fulfill substitute roles when their children become addicted.  In today's report, a baby who was left with her grandmother died from an overdose of Fentanyl and Carfentanil (Elephant tranquilizer).

In an earlier post, a photograph of a viral car stop showing a grandchild in a child seat inside a mini-van with grand-mom passed-out from opioid OD in the front passenger seat, gives this blog's readers an early glimpse that all grand parents are not appropriate custodians of young children.  Other posts, including recent ones, elevate grandparents for their substitutionary roles as care-givers when the actual parents make near-fatal or fatal choices as they chase opioids.

In this article, the selfish and careless actions of the grand mother resulted in the accidental OD from opioids of her grand-daughter followed by her own death three days later.  Toxicology results have not returned for grand-mom.



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