Monday, September 26, 2016

# 30

Online Drug Treatment Resource takes realistic view of the consequences in our society for possessing and selling illegal substances....even if you are an addict; recommend treatment before your next arrest.  Site does not even try lobbing up the false claim that people are jailed for "usage" of drugs.

What Are the Penalties for Drug Abuse and Possession in the United States?

If an individual is caught with possession of illegal drugs, they can face potential fines as well as jail time.   The length of jail time differs according to the state in which the offense occurs and the previous criminal record of the individual.     Most states in the U.S. now have a mandatory minimum sentence for drug possession that cannot be plea bargained away.   The average amount of jail time awarded in a drug possession case in the United States is between 30 and 40 months.
In addition, individuals in the U.S. could face steep fines for possession of drugs. Some judges may require that the individual commit a large number of hours to community service as a type of penance for their crime.

The Penalties for Selling Drugs

Selling drugs carry much harsher penalties than those received for simple drug possession, with strict minimum sentences in all 50 states of the country.   An individual who has repeatedly been caught selling drugs can face three, six or nine years in prison, depending upon the situation.   Those who are found guilty of selling drugs to a minor face an even bleaker future – with sentences of 10 years or more not uncommon at the state law level.
In some instances, it doesn’t take much of a substance to be deemed that one has the intent to sell. Law enforcement officers will look for other signs that you intended to sell the drug as well, such as large amounts of cash, scales or small plastic bags. A conviction of intent to sell relies heavily on the testimony of arresting officers. If they feel that you intended to sell the drugs you were carrying, this will go a long way in court. It’s just not worth the risk.


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