Friday, October 28, 2016

# 47

Edmonton Fentanyl overdose death Manslaughter arrest stands in contrast to report from British Columbia reported in Post # 45.

Edmonton Law Enforcement spokesman describes "following the evidence and determining all of the elements of the crime" as the approach used to determine the Fentanyl's distributer and his arrest reported October 26, 2016.  As the case advances, followups will report how the courts finally resolve this case involving the death of Szymon Kalich, 33.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

# 46

Minnesota prosecutes same dealer for Heroin-laced with Fentanyl which resulted in four deaths.  Dealer arrested by name, text messages/number and cell tower dumps.  Search of her home turned-up illegal substances and $120,000.00+.

As the case develops, the blog will report and contrast sentencing in such death-related cases in Canada and Minnesota.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

# 45

In British Columbia, while deaths resulting for the illegal sale of Fentanyl ascend, Judge rules "no jail" for convicted adult Fentanyl distributor.  By 10/24/2016, deaths from Fentanyl exceed all of 2015.

In Virginia, Juvenile & Domestic Relations Judges are mandated to render outcomes which are in the best interest of the offending child and a different approach is used in the Adult Courts.  In the below reported case, the article suggests that Canadian Judges are required to apply standards found in Virginia's Juvenile Courts to adult offenders...even with overdose deaths linked to the adult distributor/offender hang in the balance.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

# 44

Hamilton County, Ohio Coroner believes that eight recent deaths from elephant tranquilizer  may be the result of drug dealers using Cincinnati region as their experiment.

Tests have confirmed carfentanil in the bodies of eight recent overdose casualties, Hamilton County's Dr. Lakshmi Sammarco said, and more cases are suspected. The drug, used to sedate elephants, can be thousands of times stronger than morphine.

Carfentanil has been blamed in other overdose surges, such as in Akron this summer. Cincinnati area authorities warned publicly in July that carfentanil was beginning to show up locally.

Friday, October 14, 2016

# 43

Natural mother and grandmother receive jail sentences for distributing and administering Fentanyl-laced Heroin to 16 year-old son who expired during a motel party the mother sponsored.

In the below report we learn that some Judges and Prosecutors are prepared to convict and sentence the purveyors of Heroin and Fentanyl when their actions result in death from their Fatal Decisions.

The Judge is quoted in the report:

“The ultimate price was not paid by either of you,” Summit County Common Pleas Court Judge Lynne Callahan told the Frye women, according to ABC affiliate WEWS. “The ultimate price was paid by Andrew. It boils down to personal responsibility and because of that a 16-year-old boy is dead.”

Thursday, October 13, 2016

# 42

Fentanyl; from China to your downtown in America.

The below article indicates that politicians are seeking to stem production and smuggling as well as the equipment used to create misleading pills, however, no one is discussing enhanced penalties for local distributers whose sales result in deaths.

# 41

Grotesque video displays substances in full-control of two adult bodies following Heroin - or opioid - ingestion in Memphis.

Should subsequent reports indicate that the substance behind what is shown on the video is not heroin, the lab results will be reported in this blog.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

# 40

Dealer started Heroin habit at 14 years of age, now -23 - facing one year sentence for distributing Fentanyl and possession and sales linked to death(s).  Canadian article displays surprise at such a "harsh (sic)" sentence and indicates how many judges are not quite ready to enhance sentencing when Fentanyl is involved.

A search of the hotel room where Derycke was staying with his girlfriend turned up more drugs, along with a naloxone kit to be used in the event of an opioid overdose.
Derycke is described as a low-level dealer. He told police he was paid to come from Grande Prairie to Campbell River because "this town makes money."
"The drug business in Campbell River is apparently very lucrative," Flewelling wrote.
"Derycke told the police that he made $20,000 a week. He also described the drug trade as a growing market in which the drug addict needs bigger and more frequent 'hits.' As he said: 'All you got to do is get them to do it once ... they're sick for it. It's a f--king vicious f--king cycle."

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

# 39

7 year-old gets on school bus, tells driver that she could not rouse her parents.  Police respond in McKeesport, Pa and confirm two overdose deaths and 3 additional unattended children aged 5, 3 and 9 months.

The below report also provides a short history of this current epidemic - photos included.  Four more children without parents leaving authorities needing to place the children while also seeking the "murderer."

The article reports that Lycoming County coroner, Charles Kiesling, has stopped classifying these deaths as accidental and is not classifying all overdose causes as homicides.

# 39

7 year-old gets on school bus, tells driver that she could not rouse her parents.  Police respond in McKeesport, Pa and confirm two overdose deaths and 3 additional unattended children aged 5, 3 and 9 months.

The below report also provides a short history of this current epidemic - photos included.  Four more children without parents leaving authorities needing to place the children while also seeking the "murderer."

The article reports that Lycoming County coroner, Charles Kiesling, has stopped classifying these deaths as accidental and is now classifying all overdose causes as homicides.

# 39

7 year-old gets on school bus, tells driver that she could not rouse her parents.  Police respond in McKeesport, Pa and confirm two overdose deaths and 3 additional unattended children aged 5, 3 and 9 months.

The below report also provides a short history of this current epidemic - photos included.  Four more children without parents leaving authorities needing to place the children while also seeking the "murderer."

The article reports that Lycoming County coroner, Charles Kiesling, has stopped classifying these deaths as accidental and is not classifying all overdose causes as homicides.

# 38

One View of the D.A.R.E. Program

Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) commenced in 1983 in L.A., California.  It spread across the country placing law enforcement officers inside classrooms as "teachers" for students in 4th through 6th grades.  Much of the literature indicates that DARE instructors hammered the licit substances of nicotine and alcohol and that the underlying philosophy was that the licit substances were "gateways" to the illicit substances.  The courses were challenged as being more political than they were scientific and follow-up studies suggest that a boomerang effect resulted in greater use/abuse found in the program's graduates.

The below article contains some observations and findings on the development of the well-intentioned program.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

# 37

Self-administering, adult, heroin possessor gets revived by Upper Darby Police using Narcan who then arrest the subject for Possession of Four Bags of Heroin in the public bus where they saved him.  Man complains that public video of his shooting-up/passing-out/revival, inside a public bus, was posted on the World-Wide-Web.

In the below report, a series of self-administering adults complain about being revived and arrested and thereafter having the video footage posted for all to see.  Some express how, following revival, they would prefer to not be taken anywhere (hospital/clinic) in order that they can directly find more of their preferred substance for the fix which was interrupted by the antidote; Narcan.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

# 36

The ability to reload.

What wisdom we can learn from the Greatest Generation.

My father once related discipline that his 4th grade teacher dispensed to a friend of his.  Because of misconduct, she instructed the lad to stay after school and write 500 words on the blackboard as punishment.  The boy wrote, "The cowboy drew his gun and went bang, bang, bang, bang...." 493 times he wrote the word "bang."

In addition to being a "run-on" sentence, it was not plausible because the cowboy never re-loaded his gun and most six-shooters only hold six shells.  The boy met the requirements for his punishment, but he was always known by his classmates as the story-teller who never reloaded his gun, but kept on shooting.

Several years later, another fatherly figure from the Greatest Generation, my next door neighbor - Austin - related a story from his boyhood in Luray, Virginia in which he personally learned how to "re-load" in order to gorge himself on far more ripe cherries than his body was designed to consume at one sitting.  Austin stated that during ripe-cherry season, he would climb a cherry tree and eat cherries until his stomach was bloated.  Then he would force his finger down his throat and stimulate the regurgitation response and his stomach would expel all that he had eaten.  Austin then resumed his cherry gorging.  Lads in Luray learned how to re-load their consumption reward system, releasing pleasure drugs inside his brain and they also found this way in order to continue their excesses.

In medicine, surely internists would find issues with an artificial stimulation of excess gastric/digestive juices, stretching of the esophagus and the violent involuntary propulsion of the stomach contents placing stress on multiple muscles and organs in the abdomen.  Nevertheless, Austin had his favorite tree limb in which he practiced his annual ritual after discovering a simple way to re-load so he could repeat his brain's desire for that particular pleasure.

This process should not be lost on us as we pursue an honest examination of the potential for a cycle  of near death following the self-administration of Heroin and opioids with the possibility to re-load following one, or multiple, doses of the antidote, Narcan/Naraxolone.  

The boy who wrote on the blackboard, "bang, bang, bang" was at no risk of death and Austin could have aspirated his own vomit and died...but the risk was very low after he re-loaded.

The self-administering Opiate/Opioid abuser of today - and his supporters - have found that they can tempt death, re-load and live to abuse a subsequent day.  Our society is encouraging and funding this cycle.  If the cycle is a spiral, its trajectory cannot be upward.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

# 35

throw in the towel

to admit that you are defeated or cannot do something any more:
Jim beat me for the fourth time, so I threw in the towel.

In the below newspaper report, Dr. Sue Pollock gives every appearance of "throwing-in-the-towel."  Acceding that adults know that they are taking high-risk substances [something which should be discouraged by Government officials], Dr. Pollock suggests that they should only take them under non-using/abusing, adult, supervision.  Dr. Pollock goes farther; she suggests that "people using drugs carry a take home naloxone kit." (quote below highlighted)

Pollock does not use the opportunity to communicate with persons who have not yet reached addict phase (a large percentage of most populations).  The comments suggest that she accepts as given that Heroin and opioids are now at an accepted level and that the corresponding next-step is to go ahead and abuse the fatal substances by first using two safeguards; substance-clean friends and possession of the standby antidote.

This blog exists to reach-out and be an extension to those persons existing in the status of "The Day Before Addiction," people who are potentially at risk of sampling fatal substances.  In this sense, we have hope and a positive approach that will never accede to addiction and bad choices made by self-administering adults.

"Individuals should not be taking drugs when they are alone, and they should have someone with them who is not using at the same time as they are," said Interior Health medical officer Dr. Sue Pollock. 
"The other thing is we're encouraging people who are using drugs to carry a take home naloxone kit."
Naloxone temporarily reverses the effects of powerful opioids and is available without a prescription.

# 34

Mother writes a wonderful account of her proper upbringing of her son, his choices of friends as a teen, the choices he made and the friends and choices to use controlled substances - which were fatal - as an adult.

In this mother's account, her son was very candid.  He did not explain, as an adult, that the substances controlled him.  Instead, she reports, her adult son explained that his never-ending and conscious repetitive pursuit of fatal substances were all conducted as he sought to attain the original feeling his "first event" provided.

A refreshing account where mom describes son as an addict and the mother accounts how the son took ownership of his deliberate pursuit of a brain sensation.

# 33

Fatal Fentanyl/Heroin overdose of 25 year-old woman in Wisconsin Convenience Store bathroom develops into arrest of Substance Distributer after authorities conduct a controlled purchase and distributer admits to selling substance to woman.  Search of his home turned up a stolen gun and more Heroin and Fentanyl.

September 30, 2016 story provides prosecutors and judges with the opportunity to try, convict and sentence a presumed innocent drug dealer who has admitted his involvement in a sequence of events leading to a Fatal Overdose of a self-administering adult.