Saturday, October 1, 2016

# 35

throw in the towel

to admit that you are defeated or cannot do something any more:
Jim beat me for the fourth time, so I threw in the towel.

In the below newspaper report, Dr. Sue Pollock gives every appearance of "throwing-in-the-towel."  Acceding that adults know that they are taking high-risk substances [something which should be discouraged by Government officials], Dr. Pollock suggests that they should only take them under non-using/abusing, adult, supervision.  Dr. Pollock goes farther; she suggests that "people using drugs carry a take home naloxone kit." (quote below highlighted)

Pollock does not use the opportunity to communicate with persons who have not yet reached addict phase (a large percentage of most populations).  The comments suggest that she accepts as given that Heroin and opioids are now at an accepted level and that the corresponding next-step is to go ahead and abuse the fatal substances by first using two safeguards; substance-clean friends and possession of the standby antidote.

This blog exists to reach-out and be an extension to those persons existing in the status of "The Day Before Addiction," people who are potentially at risk of sampling fatal substances.  In this sense, we have hope and a positive approach that will never accede to addiction and bad choices made by self-administering adults.

"Individuals should not be taking drugs when they are alone, and they should have someone with them who is not using at the same time as they are," said Interior Health medical officer Dr. Sue Pollock. 
"The other thing is we're encouraging people who are using drugs to carry a take home naloxone kit."
Naloxone temporarily reverses the effects of powerful opioids and is available without a prescription.


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