Thursday, October 6, 2016

# 40

Dealer started Heroin habit at 14 years of age, now -23 - facing one year sentence for distributing Fentanyl and possession and sales linked to death(s).  Canadian article displays surprise at such a "harsh (sic)" sentence and indicates how many judges are not quite ready to enhance sentencing when Fentanyl is involved.

A search of the hotel room where Derycke was staying with his girlfriend turned up more drugs, along with a naloxone kit to be used in the event of an opioid overdose.
Derycke is described as a low-level dealer. He told police he was paid to come from Grande Prairie to Campbell River because "this town makes money."
"The drug business in Campbell River is apparently very lucrative," Flewelling wrote.
"Derycke told the police that he made $20,000 a week. He also described the drug trade as a growing market in which the drug addict needs bigger and more frequent 'hits.' As he said: 'All you got to do is get them to do it once ... they're sick for it. It's a f--king vicious f--king cycle."


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