Thursday, December 1, 2016

# 53

Follow-up story relating to post # 41

Post # 41 headlined a grotesque video of a couple, in their 60's, who were filmed during a post-Heroin-snorting spell when they had no consciousness and no control over their bodies.

The online video went viral and resulted in a television station picking-up the story.  The televised story touched the couple's daughter; on her birthday.  The daughter, also a mother, had turned her back on her parents after years of attempting to direct them to the help they have needed.  The daughter contacted the television station and a rehabilitation center offered to provide scholarships to both parents; the father in Mississippi and the mother in Massachusetts.  The article reports that both substance use disorder patients have seen the original video and that the father has completed his rehab and is living in a half-way house while the mother is still recovering in treatment.

The article, in keeping with a promise to report on whether the substance was not Heroin, has the father stating that they snorted heroin immediately prior to the video.


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