Tuesday, December 20, 2016

# 63

Another mother OD'd behind the wheel of her car, child in safe seat, needle in mother's hand...revival after two doses of Narcan and child removed from mother's custody.  Mom, who previously went through "rehab," now in custody for multiple charges - including child neglect.

This late October 2016 article contains yet another photo of the 25 year-old mother, violating parole, neglecting her child and possessing illicit substances and the article again raises a debate which approaches the absurd.

On one hand, and aware that rehab treatment did not dissuade this adult from subsequent unlawful behavior, the treatment proponents make two points: first, don't shame these substance use disorder persons, treat them and; two, treatment works.

On the other hand, municipal governments and police agencies make their points:

  • The photos are in public places where no one has an expectation of privacy.

  • The community needs to do more than read about the overdoses and child neglect caused by illicit substances, the photos in plain view can benefit the community's effort to control and reduce the availability of such substances.

As always, readers see the booking photo, too, after two shots of Narcan succeeded in revival.



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