Monday, July 23, 2018

# 150  Don't touch that unknown substance (that you are about to self-administer) as you head-out to the Concert in England!  First, let British volunteers conduct free, chemical, test(s) and hopefully you will learn what you were poised to ingest and whether it was going to kill you - all with the blessing of Government!

Yes, following testing and no major lethality identified, the illicit substance is handed back so the self-administer can altar their mind, enjoy the trip and get high/low or somewhere in between.

Such testing programs are catching on in more countries. For the first time in Britain, the more than 200,000 attendees at last year's outdoor music festival Kendal Calling had access to a tent where their pills could be tested, according to NPR. And Australia may conduct a trial at the Spilt Milk festival in November.  Washington Post, July 11, 2018


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